Curly Sue wrote:
> On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 19:19:12 -0500, Margaret Suran
> > wrote:
>>Curly Sue wrote:
>>Here is something we used to do, to enhance the taste of Hellmann's
>>Mayonnaise. Into one cup of mayonnaise, we would whisk one raw egg
>>yolk and perhaps a drop or two of either garlic or onion and a tiny
>>bit of Virgin Olive Oil and pass it off as homemade. We stopped doing
>>it, when it became advisable to cook eggs thoroughly. You can try it
>>some day.
> Margaret,
> My problem is that I don't know why homemade is better. I haven't
> been able to make a basic, plain mayonnaise that is very tasty. The
> food processor makes the texture very well, but the result is too
> bland. Not enough egg and vinegar flavor.
So add more of what you think is missing. We routinely add garlic
powder and herbs to our mayo. Other times, lime juice and finely
chopped zest. Make a paste of raw onion and salt and add it. Several
dashes of a good hot sauce. Roasted garlic puree. A chicken bouillon cube.
It's your mayo, add what you want...