"wff_ng_6" > wrote in message
> "sd" > wrote:
> Actually, what I'd be more worried about is if the gas stations adopted
> airline pricing model. If you absolutely, positively have to travel, you
> really going to pay. There is better than a 10 to 1 price difference
> advance purchase discount tickets and full fare coach on a lot of flights.
> can see this pricing model as applied to gas stations. They would inspect
> your gas gauge when you entered the station... if it reads 1/2 tank, the
> price is $1.90/gal. If it reads 3/4, the price is $1.00/gal. If 7/8 it's
> $0.50/gal. And if it reads full, it's $0.25/gal. But heaven help you if
> really need it. If it reads 1/4 it's $4.00/gal and if it reads empty, it's
> $25.00/gal.
And if you couldn't sell the car to anyone as the gas would be