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  #128 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"jacqui{JB}" > wrote in message
> [piggybacking due to poor propagation]
> "Scott" > wrote in message
> ...
> Mary Belle:
>> > I tried that and found I had killfiled most of
>> > the Americans. Americans are just a hateful,
>> > hating people and unless you bow to their
>> > superiority in your posts they will come at you
>> > with their hate. So I just tread lightly, seldom
>> > post, and stay away from the worse ones like that
>> > penmark person. My posts have always been trumped
>> > by a hateful American, which this one is sure to be.

> I'm curious, then, if you're so unhappy with content and the regular
> posters, why you choose to stay? As I've replied elsewhere, there are
> myriad other choices; why not find a better fit?
> -j

ya know.. I was soooo tempted to mention I had sex with a Catholic guy at
the democratic convention. (I didn't.. but sex, religion and politics would
insure I'd make the killfile cut, and that would be that.)