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Ed Grabau and Pam Jacoby
Posts: n/a
Default PING: Lucy and other top posters (smiles here), but a lesson to those regulars who think they are so bl--ding grand

For the most part, I post on two and
rec.arts.mystery---food and books---what more does a person want?

(Don't react right off; I'm just offering some observations)

- In a perfect world, everyone would clean off all the extraneous stuff from
previous postings and just leave something like "Jane Doe wrote" and the
message text when replying. (That means also strip out the 3 and 4 recipes
that follow.) It isn't really all that difficult and it is a gift to fellow
posters re bandwidth (for those who care).

- In an even more (yes, I know that can't be) perfect world, everyone would
also <snip> extraneous parts of the previous post and only repost those to
which they're replying. BIG POINT, if you really do follow this, make sure
you include enough of the original post to follow.

- Yeah, I accept some top posters, 'cause I HAVE LEARNED TO LOVE THEM, AND
THEY HAVE PROVEN (hear that, Lucy and others) THEIR WORTH (but they
irritated the s$%t out of me, initially---others pointed out that they had
interesting stuff to say) ---think about it---we all read top to bottom, so
if you post on top, I have to read through that to which you are replying,
then go up top to see what you say. Right now, Lucy, you are not
contributing to the group re general or specific knowledge; you are soaking
up knowledge, and it would behoove you to be (MD and whatever advanced
degrees) just a bit more courteous to the people here. It just might
surprise you the amount of education floating around this neighborhood. My
dearly beloved husband looks like he fell off the back of a Harley after a
bad drug trip. He cooks very well (yes, the man who gave the world Cream of
Lutefisk Soup!). For a paying hobby, he makes custom pool cues. He has a
degree in pure mathematics from IT at U of MN. His title, when he chooses
to work, is Consultant Programmer Analyst, but he doesn't have to work! Me?
I'm just a lowly technical writer/editor who started to learn to cook about
5, and was baking bread at 9 years and winning blue ribbons at the county
fair. I also earned blues for sewing but, cr%p never a purple!

Basically, after all that folderol, is that you are being condescending to
this group. You really don't know who these people are.

Man 'o Man, dang, the ER doc in Seattle (with Sikh husband [even I got a bit
weak when she described the first time unwinding the Sikh turban] who had
her Penzey's delivers made to hospital because the ER/trauma room so loved
the scents over the blood and aftermath.

Right now, he's figuring all the work he needs to do to get my Asko
washer/dryer into the kitchen in the new house in Woodland Park, Colorado.

So, doc, you aren't really all that special in this neighborhood. It truly
is a rather well-educated neighborhood! ;-)

Think hard, sweetheart!
