On 29 Jan 2005 21:08:03 -0600, "Bob"
> wrote:
> "sf" wrote:
> > Yeah - like ox tails, which used to be sold for pennies, now
> > cost as much as a good steak per pound.
> Speaking of oxtails, don't they contain prions, and therefore constitute a
> possible vector for BSE ("Mad Cow Disease")?
> I cheerfully admit that I don't know the fact of the matter, but it seems to
> me that any part of the spinal cord will contain prions.
> Can some knowledgeable person dispel my veil of ignorance on this matter?
There's no way I can even fake knowing anything about that.
But... I'm far as concerned about getting Mad Cow from ox
tails as I am from every day steak, if that helps any.
The only Mad Cow scare in my area I was aware of didn't
involve spinal chord, it was a leg.