"Damsel" > wrote in message
> Wow! Thanks! It's always good to know that,
> in addition to not being in someone's killfile, they
> actively like you! Thanks for the booster!
You're welcome. I'm feeling pretty well stroked these days, m'self.
> >Come to the dark side, Carol: moules frites,
> >moules frites ...
> Something tells me I'd be getting a good giggle out
> of that if I knew any French. Please enlighten me!
It's mussels cooked with white wine (and a bit of mire poix for
additional flavor -- celery, onions, etc.) served with french fries.
The mussels are cooked in the shell and served in a deep dish with the
strained cooking liquid (sometimes enriched with cream or butter); the
proper way to eat them is with your hands, using an empty mussel shell
to pluck the meat from mussels. *drool* I feel a craving coming on.
Anyway, moules frites is practically the Belgian national dish, and
the first real food I had the first time I came to Europe (along with
a glorious salad with a beautiful piece of a creamy blue cheese the
name of which currently escapes me, and a bottle of beautiful white
wine, the name of which also escapes me -- well, it was a while ago

). Excellent for jetlag.
One of my favorite things ... and now I think I'm going to have use my
most feminine wiles to talk the spousal unit into taking me out for
moules frites for dinner (there are a couple of places that do it well
here in town). Woe be to him if he refuses me!
