Dog3 > wrote in
> I saw a show on Everyday Italian on FoodTV network. It was salmon in
> foil but she made it clear one could use halibut, orange roughy etc.
> with the same recipe. The link is below.
> ml
> Or use the tiny URL:
Well, never seen halibut here, but I do get salmon fillets quite often,
and that recipe looks like a nice change of pace. Thanks for posting it,
Might stop at the seafood place and pick some up Thursday night (our late
night shopping night). Couldn't today as they're closed for renovations.
[The local shopping centre is insisting on businesses renovating if they
want to renew their lease. Great little delicatessen closed recently
because of this. It was going to cost him $150,000 and given his age he
decided it wasn't worth it. There were a couple of things I liked to get
there, that I don't think I'll find anywhere else in Penrith :-( ]
Rhonda Anderson
Cranebrook, NSW, Australia