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Melba's Jammin'
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In article >, "Ed Grabau and Pam
Jacoby" <pjjehg> wrote:

> Well, lovely non-cooking Lucy really had us going didn't she? She
> said she has a Phd, but she never answered as to what; her answer was
> that that she had an MD in general surgery. (say what?!)
> IMHO, ditzy Lucy just ran a number on this newsgroup. Dang, I fell
> for it. What about y'all?

> Pam

I believed it for a while. My antenna flew up when it didn't know what
a pound sign is. They lit up when it talked about posting for some huge
number ofyears. I'm thinking that its attitude about posting any way it
jolly well pleases just didn't jibe with posting for a bunch of years.

Re the MD thing: Are you sure, Pam. She said, "It is really quite
pathetic that- a gal with a post graduate degree cannot seem to get
three simple dishes -all done at the same time! ". I said Rob has a
PhD in Engineering. I said she should approach the whole cooking thing
the way she approached getting a Master's Degree. She said, "Medicine,
from UAMS. General surgery. Yes, I'm an Arkansan, -and a cut-up.
(Pun intended). " I wouldn't let it break a blister on me -- general
surgery - ri-i-i-ight. Those quotes are not necessarily in order and
I may have missed what you're saying she said.)

I hope it won the bet it had with whomever. I was hoping one of the
geeks on board could come up with some identification.
-Barb, <> Winter Carnival ice sculpture pics
added 1-30-05.
"I read recipes the way I read science fiction: I get to the end and
say,'Well, that's not going to happen.'" - Comedian Rita Rudner,
performance at New York, New York, January 10, 2005.