In article >, Don Gray
> wrote:
> In message "Nancy Young" wrote:
> >
> > I think we've got our answer.
> >
> > nancy
> >
> I guess so - but the truth will always out!
> I do have a 'foody query' though, as an aside. I have to say here and
> now I am not one for visiting 'burger bars'. It's not the sort of
> meal that turns me on - maybe they're better quality in the US. Over
> here good quality meat costs an arm and a leg, but my wife loves
> them. So I bought 1¾lb prime beef, which cost me 15euros, about £10
> or about 20$ US (that's guessing). Anyhow, I'll grind it up myself. I
> have a 'burger book' but just wondered if anyone had any favourite
> ideas. I will also be doing plain ones.
> Thanks
> Don
Whatever floats your boat, Don, but for grinding my own meat for a
burger, I'd be buying a cut of meat that was less tender and more
flavorful. Cheaper, too. :-) I like my burgers relatively plain --
maybe with some finely chopped onion mixed into the meat with some s&p.
Grilled and accompanied by ketchup and mustard and maybe a pickle.
-Barb, <> Winter Carnival ice sculpture pics
added 1-30-05.
"I read recipes the way I read science fiction: I get to the end and
say,'Well, that's not going to happen.'" - Comedian Rita Rudner,
performance at New York, New York, January 10, 2005.