Aluminum baking sheets
On Wed, 31 Dec 2003 01:12:31 GMT, "Darryl L. Pierce"
> wrote:
> PENMART01 wrote:
> >>The cookie dough I chilled in the refridgerator for about an hour or so.
> >>Perhaps colder would be better?
> >
> > Perhaps it's your recipe/technique... I seriously doubt which pan one
> > chooses makes a rat's ass of difference.
> That's a silly statement. The only thing that changed was the baking sheet.
He right about the baking sheet... it doesn't make a big
difference. If you're concerned about if your cookies brown
on the bottom or not then your baking sheet will matter -
otherwise, it's not a problem.
He also restated one of my concerns... the recipe. I'm
wondering if you have too much "fat" in it?
If you post the full recipe, the collective hallowed heads
of RFC will take a look at and tell you if it's the recipe,
the baking sheet or the oven.
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