In article .com>,
> >=2E..microwaving food in an=ADy kind of plastic container is supposed to
> release some kinds of chemi=ADcal in > the plastic and let it go into
> the food....
> Well, I'd think there would be wide publicity about that if it were
> true, but in any case the remedy seems simple. Keep eating those
> veggies, but zap 'em in a pyrex or corningware dish instead of plastic.
> Personally, I zap most frozen veggies, but steam or stirfry most fresh
> ones. As to boiling, that still works well for some things, such as
> corn on the cob, of course, and green beans, French style.
Plastic leaches out chemicals even when not microwaved. It's all part of
the out gassing process. But there is a strong correlation between the
use of plastic IV tubing and lowered sperm production, in fact the
component of the plastic causing the problem is known to cause such
problems and is present in many things, including lipstick.
I wish I could remember the name of it, naptha something.