"Gregory Morrow"
<gregorymorrowEMERGENCYCANCELLATIONARCHIMEDES@eart hlink.net> wrote in
> A whiles back I had a dream that I was biking down the main street of
> my rural home town and the street was lined with tomato "trees" that
> were simply bulging with green tomatoes. I've no idea what triggered
> it. I like green tomatoes but have never been obsessed by them in any
> way or been traumatised by them ;-)
> AFAIK it's the first time I remember food being in one of my dreams...
> You...???
I once spent a couple of weeks picking raspberries. Whenever I closed my
eyes (including to sleep) I saw a cluster of them. From a distance, plants
look quite random in shape, but I discovered through intimate familiarity
that all the raspberry clusters were identical.
nil illegitimi carborundum