Your plan sounds good to me and I have built a few smokers from old
refridgerators. The top thermostat from an electric hot water tank
works fine. Top temp in your smoker will only be about 180.
On 31 Jan 2005 03:28:56 GMT, Ignoramus24281
> wrote:
>I own a Ferrups 3.0 KVA UPS.
>This Ferrups UPS is a steel cabinet about 3x3x1.5 feet. It has the
>front panel on hinges, and also openable top. I am thinking about
>converting it to a smokehouse for smoking meat.
>I would remove the insides, add a hotplate on the bottom and a
>thermostat to maintain temperature, and close up some of the holes and
>add a adjustable vent.
>Also I would set up racks inside. It looks like it could be done
>relatively easily. I have a lot of scrounged hardware for supporting
>racks, although I would buy new stainless steel racks for food safety
>Any thoughts on this plan? Are there any fatal flaws in it? This UPS
>is unlikely to fetch any good money these days.