OT..Keeping oven clean
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Gal Called J.J.
Posts: n/a
One time on Usenet,
> My wife just got through cleaning and swearing at the oven.
> I suggested putting a sheet of aluminum at the bottom to catch the
> drips.
> She said that you were not supposed to do that...from what source I
> have no idea.
> Is there really a reason one should not put a sheet of aluminum in the
> bottom of the oven?
That's news to me, I've done it for many years. What kind of oven do
you have? Mine is electric -- even though it's self-cleaning, I still
like the foil to catch drips...
J.J. in WA ~ mom, vid gamer, novice cook ~
"You still haven't explained why the pool is
filled with elf blood." - Frylock, ATHF
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