In article >,
Bill Reynolds > wrote:
> On Mon, 31 Jan 2005 19:08:00 GMT, Thomas Shunick
> > wrote:
> >I have an electric KitchenAid and the manual says "Never cover the oven
> >floor it will ruin the finish".
> Thanks to all for the responses...don't know whether to let the foil
> ruin the finish or let the hand sander I'm ready to use do it. <VBG>
I think I'd go for covering it. Personally, I've used foil for years and
not had any problems and the floor of the oven has a nice finish still.
I did see a pricey item in the Baker's catalog. Sounds like a silpat
mat for oven spills. It's called the "Non-Stick Oven Mat & Liner" and
is a whopping $29.95. Trim to fit, put on the bottom of the electric
oven or the lowest rack of a gas over and bake away. Wipes clean and