"Dave Smith" wrote in message > limey wrote:
>> > Sorry Dora, but you might have missed them. I saw them in the grocery
>> > store
>> > about two weeks ago. They are rarely available for more than about two
>> > weeks
>> > each year.
>> But you're in Canada, Dave. Rodney is in New York City; hence, my
>> question.
>> I've never found them in the US.
> Most of them come from Spain, and it's a very short season. I use them
> for
> marmalade and start looking for them in mid January, grabbing some as soon
> as
> see them. I once blinked and missed them :-(
That's why I want them - to make some _real_ marmalade. I feel like it's
my life's project at this point, it has been going on so long. As an
individual, if I went to Spain I couldn't even bring them into this country
because of US Dept. of Agriculture regulations on food imports.