newbie/ whole wheat sourdough bread
Hi, all I am new to this site. I just found you all this morning. I am
on another site and get a link to your group.
I have been doing sourdough for about 2 years and I am still working on
some glitches in my bread. I have Carl Griffith's starter, although I
have tried others, this is my favorite to work with. I have ben doing
100% whole wheat and took my recipe from Ed Wood's book in which I
revised for my own recipe.
I have really great bread and it rises well and tastes great. The only
problem I am having is tearing on the sides while it is set for the
final rise. I am not sure if I have been using too much flour, if I am
not kneading long enough, or if there is some other factor involved. I
had several batches last fal that were picture perfect but I haven't
been able to get consistant results.
Maybe some one on this site can offer some insight. I ahve a Bosch to
mix with and sold this bread at a local farmer's market all last
summer. I am wanting to work with it a little until I get the apperance
where I want it.