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"Dee Randall" <deedoveyatshenteldotnet> wrote in message
> I am going to make a tiramasu recipe that calls for
> 1 cup low-fat ricotta cheese
> 3/4 cup light cream cheese
> I'd like to use something other than the brand of "Philadelphia Cream
> Cheese." Has anyone experienced using a substitute brand. Are there any
> other common brands of cream cheese readily available?
> Any comments appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Dee

Dee, I'm sorry, and I am the *last* person one would call a food snob, but
you are not making anything resembling tiramisu with ricotta cheese. Or
cream cheese for that matter. Tiramisu is made with mascarpone cheese and
wouldn't be as good with anything else.
That being said, there are several brands of light cream cheese, it just
depends on what's available near you to use in your tiramisu-type dessert.
Here we have the store brands and the old stand-by. By store brands I mean,
Trader Joe's Kirkland, that type thing.
