On Tue, 01 Feb 2005 00:05:17 GMT, "Ernie"
> wrote:
>"JBrewer" wrote>
>> I have really great bread and it rises well and tastes great. The only
>> problem I am having is tearing on the sides while it is set for the
>> final rise. I am not sure if I have been using too much flour, if I am
>> not kneading long enough, or if there is some other factor involved. I
>> had several batches last fal that were picture perfect but I haven't
>> been able to get consistant results.
>> Thanks,
>> Jennifer
>1. Your proofing temperature is too high and it is killing the yeast.
>2. Your starter has gone bad and is eating the dough. .
How would either of these contribute to the problem that
Jennifer described above?
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