BOB wrote:
> Damsel in dis Dress wrote:
> > On Mon, 31 Jan 2005 20:08:07 -0500, " BOB" >
> > wrote:
> >
> >> Last night, I ate about 2 dozen mussels (I didn't really
> >> count them). And it was all because of you and this
> >> thread...Thanks Damsel, they were great!
> >
> > I'm glad you enjoyed them. Did they taste like clams to
> > you, too?
> They tasted exactly the way that I expected them to taste...mussels
> been a favorite food of mine for years. Sometimes I just forget to
go out
> specifically looking for them. 8-)
> No, not as sweet as clams. More of an "earthy" taste. A good type
> taste, I can't describe it. These were about 1 to 1-1/2 inch shells,
> steamed and in a large bowl with drawn butter on the side. Oh, and
> of freshly baked small loaves of bread. I used more of the drawn
> on the bread (as a dipping sauce) than I did with the mussels.
You just like fishy butter...