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In article >, wrote:
>When I was younger I think all tuna came in oil. Now it seems to all
>come in water and the oil stuff is real hard to find. The oil stuff
>is so much better, but I suppose they are catering to dieters, like
>most foods now a days, and I am not one that needs to diet. Diet food
>always tastes like crap.

Yeah. I've noticed that here too -- plenty of "Tuna in Brine" and
"Tuna in Spring Water", but the old standard "Tuna in Oil" is often in
critically short supply.

Mind you, this happens with lots of products these days -- the
"normal" or "standard" line is often sold out before I get to the
supermarket and all that's left is a bunch of trendy stuff that no one
wants to buy. (So why do they make it and stock it?)

The other day I noticed a real classic in the toilet soap section at
the local Coles: "Contains raspberry, strawberry, and wild berries".
Jesus wept! I was brought up to use soap to wash those things *off*
for crissake!

Cheers, Phred.
