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Frank & Renee
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I use the Aria/IngenuiTea all the time for rooibos. I've tried rooibos and
chamomile in my chatsford and they make a bit of a mess. The chamomile is
particularly annoying to cleanup. Some small slivers of rooibos or
chamomile tend to stick into the nylon mesh of the Chatsford filter. The
IngenuiTea has a smaller surface area and less play in the mesh so nothing
gets stuck in the mesh...just in some crevices where the plastic rim meets
the mesh. As with any non-paper filter, the finest particles may pass
through the mesh.

The mesh and mechanism will stain with regular use but you can get all of
the stains/odors out by soaking with oxy-clean or a mild solution of bleach
and water. Every once in a while soak the whole unit in a large bowl filled
with the solution of choice so that you can clean the mechanism too. I wish
you could take it apart to clean. I don't put mine in the dishwasher...I
think it would scratch the plastic.

This pot is probably the best method for rooibos that I can recommend.


"Bluesea" > wrote in message
> I'm seeking your observations/opinions on the IngenuiTea -
> How well does it contain rooibos and other very small leaf particles
> compared to the Chatsford and Teeli brew baskets?
> Thx.
> --
> ~~Bluesea~~
> Spam is great in musubi but not in email.
> Please take out the trash before sending a direct reply.