Well I do appreciate so many relies. I will try the rising in a bag and
see. It is dry in our house although I cover the loaves with a towel,
it may be a factor. I am setting my bread to rise at room temp. Around
70 dgrees so I wouldn't think that is too warm. I also have my dough
around 75 degrees when I am done mixing.
What I mean by tearing is that the bread will just tear as it is
rising. Sometimes real soon after I shape and set to rise it will begin
here and there. I am shaping in loaf pans and it will often be at the
edge of the pan but sometimes right on top. It's as if it is expanding
to rise and it won't hold together in some spots and tears as it
stretches. My last batch of cinnamon swirl tore and exposed the
cinnamon from one side. The other side didn't seem to tear and it was
almost a lopsided loaf. I have great rise and oven spring so I know my
yeast is very active.
Anyone who can give me times on mixing? I end up with about 8 pounds of
dough. I have a Bosch. I usually mix on low for 3-4 min. Rest 20. Add
salt and knead another 4-5 min on 2nd speed. I rest this in a bowl for
1 1/2-2 hours. Then preshape, rest 20 min. then the final shape place
in pans rise for 1 1/2-2 hours, then bake.
I would have to wonder if humidity is a factor. Some days my bread is
much better so I will keep this in mind.
How firm, moist, or sticky is your dough ?
I do appreciate all the help.