Thread: Peanut Butter
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Wayne Boatwright
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On Tue 01 Feb 2005 02:42:49a, Rhonda Anderson wrote in

> Wayne Boatwright > wrote in
> :
>> If you don't make your own, what's your brand? Why? Smooth or
>> crunchy?

> Don't know how much the brand would mean to you as I'm in Australia, but
> I buy Sanitarium Natural. It contains only roasted peanuts - no added
> sugar, salt or oil. Crunchy!!! No matter what brand peanut butter I've
> purchased (used to buy Kraft, and then Dick Smith - an Aussie company -
> until I decided to go down the no added sugar/salt route) it's always
> been crunchy.
>> I usually buy Laura Scudder Crunchy. If I can't get it, I buy
>> Albertson's store brand crunchy.
>> Do you cook with the same type you eat out of the jar?

> Yep. Don't use peanut butter a lot in cooking - mainly for some peanut
> butter cookies that I love and have been making for years. I try not to
> make them too often, and take them into work if I do, because otherwise I
> would sit down and eat the whole batch. The recipe is from a book called
> Kitchen Wizard It's aimed at kids, and I think I ordered this book
> through the book club at school. The recipes are all related to well
> known stories. These biscuits are in the Huckleberry Fin Raft Picnic
> section and are called Playin' Hookey Cookies. They're realllllly good.
> Playin' Hookey Cookies - Deborah Jarvis
> 125g soft butter
> 125g crunchy peanut butter
> 125g granulated sugar
> 125g brown sugar
> 1 egg
> 1/2 tsp vanilla
> 150g self raising flour
> 50g crushed or chopped peanuts (optional - but I always add)
> Cream butter and peanut butter till light and fluffy
> Add sugars gradually.
> Beat in egg and vanilla
> Mix in sifted flour and crushed nuts if using.
> roll dough into small balls about the size of walnuts. Place on baking
> tray about 5cm apart. Flatten with floured fork. Bake just above the
> centre of 180C (350F) oven for 10 - 12 minutes. Let cookies sit on tray
> for a couple of minutes (they're very soft when straight out of oven)
> then remove with palette knife and cool on rack.

Those look like good cookies, Rhonda! Gotta keep that recipe.
