One time on Usenet, "Nancy Young" > said:
> "Steve Calvin" > wrote in message
> ...
> > Vox Humana wrote:
> >> I never list my phone number in the white page.
> > Won't find me in the white pages section either.
> Best thing I ever did, going unlisted.
Same here, but the Public Records power search (on the same page)
claims to have not only my phone number, but my address, and among
other things, lists my age! And for only $50, you can find out:
"current & previous addresses, alias names, roommates, relatives,
family members, marriage, divorce, neighbors, property ownership,
legal judgments & more personal profile info."
That's just creepy, even if it is all taken from public records...
J.J. in WA ~ mom, vid gamer, novice cook ~
"You still haven't explained why the pool is
filled with elf blood." - Frylock, ATHF