On Tue, 01 Feb 2005 20:14:05 GMT, (Gal
Called J.J.) wrote:
>One time on Usenet, "Nancy Young" > said:
>> "Steve Calvin" > wrote in message
>> ...
>> > Vox Humana wrote:
>> >> I never list my phone number in the white page.
>> > Won't find me in the white pages section either.
>> Best thing I ever did, going unlisted.
>Same here, but the Public Records power search (on the same page)
>claims to have not only my phone number, but my address, and among
>other things, lists my age! And for only $50, you can find out:
>"current & previous addresses, alias names, roommates, relatives,
>family members, marriage, divorce, neighbors, property ownership,
>legal judgments & more personal profile info."
>That's just creepy, even if it is all taken from public records...
I have to agree. Talk about your one stop stalker shopping! Perhaps
they won't last long though. I think an expensive lawsuit or two from
someone (or the family of someone) who gets hurt or killed when a
psycho uses their service to procure information might stop them.
Sheesh, I think about a friend of mine with an crazy ex and get the
shivers. I also notice that they will not allow you to opt out of
being searchable.
Tracy R.