Thread: O.T Holy Crap!
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Janet Bostwick
Posts: n/a

"Gal Called J.J." > wrote in message
but the Public Records power search (on the same page)
> claims to have not only my phone number, but my address, and among
> other things, lists my age! And for only $50, you can find out:
> "current & previous addresses, alias names, roommates, relatives,
> family members, marriage, divorce, neighbors, property ownership,
> legal judgments & more personal profile info."
> That's just creepy, even if it is all taken from public records...
> --
> J.J. in WA ~ mom, vid gamer, novice cook ~
> "You still haven't explained why the pool is
> filled with elf blood." - Frylock, ATHF

That is exactly what prompted the heading for my posting. Mike says this
has always been available through Excite--I don't know because I never
looked there. I know you could get to all this stuff before the MSN site,
but this is just so in your face that it bothers me. Other places make you
work a little harder for the info.