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Nancy Young
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"Dog3" > wrote in message
> "Gregory Morrow"
> <gregorymorrowEMERGENCYCANCELLATIONARCHIMEDES@eart> wrote in
>> Greg remarks on tuna in a pouch:
>> It's N - A - S - T - Y stuff...remember some of the discussions here
>> about it, it was The New Big Thing, I tried it and couldn't believe
>> how ghastly it was.

> I only tried it once and really, really disliked it. I'll never buy it
> again.

DITTO. Yes, I'm yelling. And for the price? Thanks, but no thanks.
Creepy stuff. I'll go back to opening a couple of cans for 2 sandwiches
even if that stuff is like cat food, too.
