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  #23 (permalink)   Report Post  
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In article >,
Stan Horwitz > wrote:

> In article >,
> wrote:
> > When I was younger I think all tuna came in oil. Now it seems to all
> > come in water and the oil stuff is real hard to find. The oil stuff
> > is so much better, but I suppose they are catering to dieters, like
> > most foods now a days, and I am not one that needs to diet. Diet food
> > always tastes like crap.

> Where do you live? I have no problem finding canned tuna in olive oil in
> my area (Philadelphia). In fact, I have a cat at work which will
> probably be lunch tomorrow.

And how will said cat be prepared?
Predator meat is usually not very tasty......

Sprout the MungBean to reply

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