Friends for Dinner: Ainsley Harriott
Did anyone catch this show on Discovery Home last night? I realize that
AH is a little OTT for some folks, but I really like him -- and the meal
made from his cookbook last night looked fab. "Lightening Lamb Dhansak"
(lightening because it's made in a total of 45 minutes, prep to table),
pilau rice, naan bread, chilli and ginger prawn nibbles and "Celtic"
samosas (that last is an AH silliness, they looked like every day samosas
to me!) I would LOVE to know which of his cookbooks was used for this
episode. I think it's charming and very unusual that they don't make a
point of hawking the chef's cookbook (it's a British show, after all!),
but in this case, I would have loved a bit of crude commercialism. If
anyone knows in which of Ainsley's cookbooks these recipes are included, I
would love to know.
Also, I wonder if this show is still in production? Most of the episodes
seem to be repeats these days.
Tammy, Sacramento, California