MJ wrote:
> I m making a ham for dinner tonight and id like to have potatoes as a
> side dish..but i am in need of something different to do with
> them..does anyone have any ideas?? Im open to suggestions of all
> kinds..
> Thanks
> MJ
Nothing better (or more comforting) than good ol' scalloped potatoes with
ham. Slice 5-6 russet potatoes thinley and put them in a casserole dish.
Make a white sauce with 2-3 Tbs. butter, salt, pepper, 2 Tbs. flour and stir
in a cup of milk. Heat through and stir until slightly thickened. Pour
this over the potatoes. Bake at 375F for oh, about an hour. The mixture
should be bubbly and the potatoes lightly browned on the top. To make 'au
gratin' add some grated cheese to the sauce. YUM.