"Leila" > wrote in message
> I love miso soup at Japanese restaurants, especially if it's not out of
> a packet; I even like the packet stuff okay. But until now, whenever I
> buy miso and try to make soup following the package directions, it
> doesn't taste quite right.
I agree with Dimitri that what you're missing is the flavor of the
bonito stock - "dashi" is the Japanese for it, a stock made using
shavings of dried bonito ("hana katsuo," or "katsuo no hana,"
literally "flowers (petals) of the bonito." But since you've evidently
interested in a vegetarian version, perhaps using a fish stock is a
The other things that stands out, though, is with respect to the
"edible dried seaweed" you mentioned. Traditionally, the dashi
stock is also flavored by steeping a piece of konbu (also seen as
"kombu" - the actual Japanese sound is somewhat between
these), which is a thick piece of dried seaweed (kelp) in it. But the
konbu itself isn't eaten - it's removed before the stock is used
to make the soup - and should NEVER be boiled. Boiling it
will cause it to impart a bitter taste to the stock.
Bob M.