Dee Randall wrote:
> Could you suggest any recipe that doesn't use either cream cheese or ricotta
> cheese, but ALL mascarpone cheese? All the recipes (without eggs) I've seen
> call for at least the ricotta cheese.
> I just couldn't eat anything like this with eggs, all I would taste is EGGS.
> Raised on a farm where we as kids had nothing to do but WAIT and watch for a
> chicken to lay an egg.
> Thanks.
> Dee
I used to make a fake tiramisu that worked out fairly well.
Line a serving dish with sponge fingers/lady fingers. Sprinkle well with
a mix of strong black coffee, rum and a little vanilla extract; the
cakes should be moistened but not dripping.
Mix the mascarpone with some sugar to taste. Also works with creme
fraiche or fromage frais.
Spread the sponge fingers with part of the mascarpone mix.
Layer with more sponge fingers, moisten with the coffee mixture and
spread the mascarpone etc.
Finish with the mascarpone mix. Dust the top with good cocoa and
chocolate shavings. Cover and refrigerate until serving time.