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Melba's Jammin'
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In article . com>,
"Lynn from Fargo" > wrote:

> Sheeeesh! I HATE it that I can't just use "reply" on this computer.
> Regarding Ms. Schaller and her quest for Tater Tot Hotdish - I, too,
> was on a quest. My mother never made it but it was always what I made a
> beeline for at any pot luc. I looked up a dozen recipes and took what
> I liked and made this up. It is advanced comfort food: high fat, high
> carb, high sodium, highly satisfying!
> Ultimate Tater Tot Hotdish
> Spray a 9" by 13" cake pan or casserole with no-stick stuff.
> Layer in the following ingredients in this order:
> 2 (16 ounce) cans green beans, drained
> 2 pounds hamburger, cooked and drained
> 1/2 package of dry onion soup mix
> 1 can French fried onions
> 2 cans cream of whatever soup mixed with 1 small can evaporated milk
> Slices of American cheese (the sandwich kind)
> Tater Tots to cover (I line 'em up neatly.)

<cough> you didn't like how I dumped mine on top of my mess-in-a-pan?
Sheryl commented on my board that she'd have used more Tater Tots; I
deliberately didn't because I knew what we'd eat and didn't want
leftover soggy Tater Tots.
(mumblelines'emupmumbleneatlymumbleindeedmumblemum ble>

And let me add that with the addition of the cheese and evaporated milk,
I believe your concoction is less healthful than mine. :-)

> Serves at least eight with leftovers.

> Lynn from Fargo

<>; Tater Tot Hotdish and Jam Class pics added 2-2-05
"I got the motive, which is money; and the body, which is dead!" - Rod
Steiger as Sheriff Gillespie, "In the Heat of the Night," 1967.