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Steve Calvin
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kilikini wrote:

> She let an internet friend of ours know and asked him to pass on the news to
> the rest of us on-liners.
> Story of Jack - Jack bought a case of Belgian Ale for my hubby and me to
> pass out in lieu of champagne for toasting when we got married in October.
> He instructed that we save two bottles - one bottle to open on our year
> anniversary and the other to open on our 5th anniversary. There is going to
> be a world wide BBQ or grillfest in Jack's honor on this Saturday (noon West
> Coast, USA time, 3 EST - 8 pm Great Britain) and we're going to most likely
> open one of our anniversary beers in his honor.
> Toast to you, Jack, my friend! Pork butt on the WSM on Saturday here in
> Florida.
> kili

I'll stoke up a chimney of lump and fire up the WSM. I'm a "bachelor"
this week so I'll probably just do some ribs. Of course a toast to Jack
WILL be made at 3!


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