Hi Pam, thanks for this info, I'm going to have a look on the net later to
see these things we probably call them something different. Not sure what a
'ricer' is, so am going to look for some photos. I hope I don't like it as
it'll mean something else I'll just Have to try....lol
again thanks....Cher
"Ed Grabau and Pam Jacoby" <pjjehg @frontiernet.net> wrote in message
> "cher" wrote
> > Hi list, I belong tomany lists, not all cooking related, so I'm not one
> > to
> > lurk, but come straight in, hope that's ok for folks out there..lol So
> > first of all, my name is Cher, I live at the bottom of map of England,
> > the county of Wiltshire. I love cooking and messing about. I
> > boil an egg when I was in my teens...lol. But marriage and children and
> > grandchild come along, and somehow you look back and realise just how
> > you've learned....don't you? Well I have at least. One thing I have
> > learned is that I love kitchen gadgets, and have tons of them, from
> > makers to mixers and processors down to small items like garlic
> >
> > what is your favourite gadget? I think mine has to be the electric
> > where would I be without it? nursing a sore wrist I expect, lol. The
> > balloon whisk too....I couldn't live without that, and have various
> > of
> > them.
> >
> > Who knows someone may post something I've never heard of and just have
> > have, I shall have to see if dh can install a new cupboard for all of
> > things I have or want..
> >
> > Many thanks....Cher
> >
> >
> Yo, welcome. Yeah, I do like the wands as we call them in USA. Going
> the oldies but goodies, I have to say that I relly like the ricers.
> Pam