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  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Thanks for this info Gloria, cooking over here isn't like it once was, it
seems to be a dying art, The younger set in today's world this way, seem to
work, and come home and just grab something from the freezer, which they've
previously bought and put there.

Nothing wrong with this mind you..I guess I'm after good old fashioned
cooking at the end of the day, my choice, as theirs is theirs. But is is
sad because the little family butchers are a dying you just buy
meat in a supermarket, and if you are lucky like I am to find a butcher in
your small town, then it is a bonus. At one time butchers were one to every
street, now they appear to be one to every town, and that only if you are

This because of more convenient foodstuffs available, from freezer outlets
has made the butcher a very expensive shop to buy from..

Shame, it's like alot ofother things this way...

Well never mind...


"Puester" > wrote in message
> cher wrote:
> > Oh I see....teeth like a nutmeg or zest grater maybe???
> >
> > cheers...Cher
> >
> >

> Teeth more flat than rounded, but very, very sharp
> so every pass creates a great deal of "gratings".
> Theyw ere originally created for woodworking or
> industrial use, but are now made for kitchen use.
> gloria p