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In article >,
(Dan Abel) wrote:

> In article >, Hahabogus
> > wrote:
> > carbs per day. Keeps me in the low 5's mmol or high 90's mg/dl.
> > A BG reading over 7.8 mmol or 140mg/dl indicates permenent damage is
> > being done to your body so stay well away from that high. There are

> Are you talking about fasting bg? I thought that 140 was on the edge of
> acceptable. Mine was 143 last time I had blood drawn, and the doctor said
> that that was OK. Of course, I also had an A1C of 6.1, so maybe that's
> why. I took a look at the American Diabetes Association website, and they
> are saying that under 100 is normal, over 126 is diabetes and in between
> is pre-diabetes.

It sounds to me that, if that is your FASTING BG and you have that high
of an A1C, you are headed for type II diabetes.

Better do something now. :-o

My fasting is only 90 and my A1C is 2.6.

I'm 42.

You need to find a new Doctor. :-(

Sprout the MungBean to reply

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