short term wine storage
Yeah, I've looked around on the newsgroup before asking, but it seems
most threads on this topic are regarding long-term storage. Or
regarding very expensive equipment ($50 for a nitrogen system is
expensive to me. Now. So far. Until I get more experienced and
knowledgeable and build a valueable (in effort and appreciation, not
nec' price) collection.)
I only just started getting into wine appreciation. Before last year my
experience has been pretty much any inexpensive white zinf'. Then I
went crazy and went all out and tried cabernet sauvingon. =) (Only to
recently find out it's kind of become the generic "safe" grape.) So,
now that I'm starting to really TASTE wine, and analyze, and pick and
choose, and build a volcabulary and experience, I'd like to also take
care in preserving wine. After all, I'm the only person in the
household who drinks wine (well, my wife will have a glass now and
then,) and so I'll usually have to put away half to 3/4 bottles into
the fridge. Even 24 hours later the taste seems to change.
So, what are some good, inexpensive suggestions for keeping an opened
bottle 2 to 3, maybe 4 days?
I saw the recommendation of using half-bottles. Not bad, I'll try that,
but doesn't seem very consistant.
I also saw something on Private Preserve inert gas replacement. That
sounds like a good idea. A little expensive, for now, but if it's the
best option then I think that's worth it.
What about those $12 cheapy vacuum pump tops? Good enough to keep for a
couple of days?
And finally, refridgeration. Good idea? Bad idea? Only in conjunction
with a particular tupe of storage? I understand refidgeration can slow
the oxidation, but, does it contribute to any other changes?
Thanks for any suggestions!