Ultimate Tater Tot Hotdish
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Melba's Jammin'
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In article >,
(Dan Abel) wrote:
> In article >,
> Melba's Jammin' > wrote:
> > <cough> you didn't like how I dumped mine on top of my mess-in-a-pan?
> > Sheryl commented on my board that she'd have used more Tater Tots; I
> > deliberately didn't because I knew what we'd eat and didn't want
> > leftover soggy Tater Tots.
> > (mumblelines'emupmumbleneatlymumbleindeedmumblemum ble>
> Definitely would need more tater tots for our family.
I'll bite -- how many are you, Dan?
<>; Tater Tot Hotdish and Jam Class pics added 2-2-05
"I got the motive, which is money; and the body, which is dead!" - Rod
Steiger as Sheriff Gillespie, "In the Heat of the Night," 1967.
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