i think this is silly
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I think dugs' comment here is pretty good.
"Cam" > wrote in message
> >
> It's not just us. This is the Usenet. The Usenet has been around longer
> than the web and it has it's own set of rules. Take a look at the link
> below or do your own search for netiquette.
> Cam
> >Summarize what you're following up.
> >When you click 'Reply' under 'show options' to follow up an existing
> article, Google Groups >includes the full article in quotes, with the
> cursor at the top of the article. Tempting though it >is to just start
> typing your message, please STOP and do two things first. Look at the
> quoted text >and remove parts that are irrelevant. Then, go to the
> BOTTOM of the article and start typing there. >Doing this makes it much
> easier for your readers to get through your post. They'll have a
> reminder >of the relevant text before your comment, but won't have to
> re-read the entire article. And if your >reply appears on a site before
> the original article does, they'll get the gist of what you're >talking
> about.
HAH! Made you look! Get it now fool?
> dug88 wrote:
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