On Fri, 04 Feb 2005 04:39:34 GMT, "dug88" > wrote:
>i have no idea why you post relevance last, on this site
This is a Usenet newsgroup; it isn't a site.
>i operate a BLOG
You and a bazillion other mouth-breathers. I'm not impressed.
>do an internet search and learn something
What in the blue-eyed froggy world are you babbling about?
>someone with a valid comment is stuck to the ass end of the page here.
>the ass end comment is uselessly worthless
>the current comment is what is important
You are obviously unaware that posts arrive at different servers at
different times. Your "current" comment may be in response to a post
that many people haven't yet seen. Your rude top-posting forces them
to scroll down just to figure out what the hell you're talking about.
But don't take it from me. Do an Internet search and learn something.
>you can not read upwards.
Precisely what rude top-posters force others to do.
>well i just read down until i am totally bored
I'm guessing that doesn't take long. I'm also guessing you're easily
distracted by bright shiny objects.
>and reading matilda makes herself barin damaged 40 times before i get to the comments is all wrong.
You think you're talking about top-posting, but you're not. You're
talking about people who don't edit out irrelevant parts of the post
they're responding to. Sadly, rude top-posters like you also tend to
be full-quoters, too dumb or too lazy to edit the post they're
replying to.
>Actually i have heard, BLOGS, have even had books made out of them.
English, please. You are easily distracted, aren't you. What the hell
does a blog have to do with anything?
>NOT really impressed here anyway.
Don't let the screen door hit you in the ass on your way out.
>Do NOT burn fire in your home anywhere, unless you have an oxygen supply.
>IT will eat all the air, YOU NEED
That thread is over there ---------------->