I'm sorry, I got my numbers wrong. I used 1/2 gram per liter
bentonite and 1.5 ml/L kieselsohl. Still give it some gelatin?
"Tom S" > wrote in message >. ..
> "Dan Emerson" > wrote in message
> om...
> > Sorry, I can't respond to my original post, my newsreader can't seem
> > to find the handle.
> >
> > Anyway, I've fined my SB with agglomerated bentonite (1 gram per
> > litre) and Kielsohl ((sp) 10 ml/L) and it is still cloudy.
> Holy smoke! That's over 8 lb./1000 gal. bentonite (a rather hefty shot),
> and a _huge_ dose of kieselsohl. I usually use ~70ml in a 60 gallon barrel,
> which is ~1 lb./1000 gal. You added more than 30 times that much!
> Should I
> > follow this with sparkalloid or isinglass, or what?
> Who knows? I'd try 1 lb./1000 gal. gelatin and see what happens. Bear in
> mind that this may be an irrecoverable error. :^(
> Tom S