On 4 Feb 2005 04:13:23 -0800, Michael > wrote:
> ************
> Thank you for the suggestions, Katra. I cannot find any of those
> chocolates in the grocery stores in town, so I am out of luck this
> time. Someone recommended buying from Chocosphere (I think that's
> right) online and I've found some bulk Guittard (sp?) unsweetened and
> white for about $5 a pound, which is cheaper than what I have to pay
> for Baker's chocolate at the grocery store. I am planning on branching
> out and trying some other chocolates. I will see if I can find the
> ones you recommended.
> Thanks again, Michael
Hi Michael,
I know I'm beginning to sound like a broken record here, but
Bloomingfoods and Sahara Mart are at most likely possibilities for
hunting down some of the fancier chocolates. I know Sahara Mart has
bars of Lindt, although I'm not sure what varieties and whether or not
they're appropriate for candy-making.
And I _thought_ Bloomingfoods carried Scharffenberger, but I'm not
positive. It's been too long since I was there, and I wasn't
specifically looking for chocolate.
Another possibility--don't know if you get up to Indianapolis much,
but they've got two Trader Joe locations up there, and they're bound
to carry Ghiradelli at the very least.