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OK I am working tonight, but if you email me, don't expect an answer before

I haven't located the item yet, and dh was in there measuring again..I've
another box to go through, if it's here, and it is somewhere you can have

"TammyM" > wrote in message
> What a kind offer! I'll be happy to reciprocate with something from the
> wilds of California :-) If you feel up to tucking in a packet of wine
> gums, I'll be eternally grateful. Can't get em here. I hoarded two
> packets for so long, when I checked em last week, they were well past sell
> by. I ate em anyway, both of them. Can't waste wine gums!!! I'll send
> you an email and we can talk. By the by, I've spent a fair old bit of
> time in Britain over the last ten years, although I don't believe we made
> it down to Wiltshire -- must be one of the only areas of the isle I've not
> visited ... will have to remedy that!
> Tammy
> tdmcniff AT ucdavis DOT edu
> cher > wrote:
> : Oh my goodness Tammy, go careful, those things are lethal, I have one,

> : don't ever use it now, don't know if mine has a better guard on it or
> : not.....I'll have alook, as I think it came with two, and if it has, I

> : send you a guard...let me fish it out, it's in a cupboard

> : she, who is in the middle of having the kitchen done up...can't find a

> :'t sure I got a spare guard either...let me look

> : cheers....Cher
> : "TammyM" > wrote in message
> : ...
> :> cher > wrote:
> :> <snip>
> :> : what is your favourite gadget? I think mine has to be the electric
> : whisk,
> :> : where would I be without it? nursing a sore wrist I expect, lol.

> :> : balloon whisk too....I couldn't live without that, and have various
> : sizes of
> :> : them.
> :>
> :> My current favorite is my Benriner. A poor man's mandoline (or in this
> :> case, a poor woman's...) I do wish it had a more substantial guard on

> :> I've nearly lost me finger tips using the one that came with! I use the
> :> Benriner almost nightly, don't know now how I got on without it. Got

> :> for a song at a garage sale :-)
> :>
> :> TammyM
> :> Sacramento, California