Nancy Young wrote:
> "Gregory Morrow"
> > The airline bizness is simply not the interesting and exciting place to
> > aspire to a career nowadays...
> Oh, I don't know, I see that show, Airline ... looks like a ton of fun.
I have to think that *some* of that stuff is staged...primarily some of the
scenes with passengers that are verbally abusing the airline staff. With
the present security concerns *no* one is going to get away with creating a
big ruckus in an airport, in a best - case scenario they will be denied
boarding and in the worst - case it's off to the hoosegow...
I've known folx who have used profanity at the check - in counter (the
incidents were with Southwest in St. Louis and Northwest in Minneapolis,
this was pre - 911). Their reservations were promptly cancelled and they
were told they would not be flying with those particular airlines that
Bullying airline staff is just about the dumbest thing someone can do these
days, and it's a fairly sure bet that the offender will pay the