In article >,
"Priscilla H. Ballou" > wrote:
> Katra wrote:
> >
> > Remember, it usually takes around 2 months to change an A1C as that is
> > approx. how long your red blood cells live if I recall correctly?
> 3 months, but the A1c is weighted towards the final month.
> > I've been trying very hard to low carb now for about 3 years...
> > I'm pretty good most of the time. The worst thing I did last year was a
> > couple of pieces of apple pie over the holidays.
> >
> > It bugs me that I'm still having problems with insulin resitance. :-P
> > Maybe if I can get the weight off, that will improve? <sigh>
> Have you tried metformin? I'm finding it's helping me.
> Priscilla
Been on it for 4 weeks exactly. :-)
Oh, thanks for reminding me!
Gotta take my morning dose.....
Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...
As we go through life thinking heavy thoughts, thought particles
tend to get caught between the ears causing truth decay- so be sure
to use mental floss twice a day.
>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra