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Default Please include your LOCATION when describing stores, etc.

There are some of us who depend on Google for reading newsgroups. When
someone posts that they can find an item at "Sammy's", or whatever, we
need to know what city/area that is in.
For example, :
" know I'm beginning to sound like a broken record here, but
Bloomingfoods and Sahara Mart are at most likely possibilities for
hunting down some of the fancier chocolates. I know Sahara Mart has
bars of Lindt...."
I don't mean to pick on this particular poster, but the problem
occurs so often.
..."Boswick's has a sale on citrus this week" (where's that?)
..."Trader Joe's here now carries frozen elderberries ." (where
..."Our neighborhood Starbucks is dirty".(we'd like to know which
And on a cozier note, when someone posts, for instance, "We're snowed
in", or, "the hurricane is expected to get here tonight", we'd like to
know where. It's friendlier to know where--we might have relatives in
that area, or we might just be concerned about you.
Also, Google does not carry your e-mail address on your posts. So if
you need a private reply (some of you ask for that), you'll have to
include your address in the body of your post.
Thanks for listening,