Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> We had chicken salad spread sandwiches on whole wheat toast, with
> lettuce; and a half can of some Progresso barley vegetable chicken soup.
> My soup is better.
I found this week a coupla cans of Wolfgang Puck's soups in the back of the
pantry...Cream o' Chix and Clam Chowder.
I'd forgotten how ghastly his soups are - cooked mucilage would have been
better! I simply don't get how canned soup could be SO bad...
I have lotsa cabbage so I'll be making vegetable soup with that and some veg
I've got on hand. Hearty, healthy, and cheap...easy to make, too.
My corner bar had a big Mardi Gras party last night (I did not attend).
They always do chicken gumbo, crawfish etouffee, etc., it's very good.
Rumor has it that there are some leftovers awaiting me. Guess I'll have to
go over to check on the vicious rumor (oooh...look it's about time for
Friday Happy Hour...!!)
