Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >,
> "Gregory Morrow"
> > With the present security concerns *no* one is going to get
> > away with creating a big ruckus in an airport, in a best - case
> > scenario they will be denied boarding and in the worst - case it's
> > off to the hoosegow...
> > I've known folx who have used profanity at the check - in counter
> > (the incidents were with Southwest in St. Louis and Northwest in
> > Minneapolis, this was pre - 911). Their reservations were promptly
> > cancelled and they were told they would not be flying with those
> > particular airlines that day...
> LOL! And NWA controls something like 95% of the gates at Lindbergh
> Terminal. That'll learn 'em.
Yeah, they had to rent a car for the rest of the journey to Chicago...they
were crybabying down all the way, heehee...served 'em right I say.
> > Bullying airline staff is just about the dumbest thing someone can do
> > these days, and it's a fairly sure bet that the offender will pay the
> > consequences...
> And a jar of jam has gotten me an upgrade to First Class from a gate
> agent. :-) Flies, honey, vinegar -- that stuff. I am shameless and
> transparent.
Just being nice to beleagured customer service personnel can work wonders.
It's basic good sense, not rocket science...amazing how few folx realize